Monday, January 23, 2012

Grassy Hill - Lighting Test (In Progress...)

I'm currently working on the finalizing the lighting for the only exterior scene in the film. I had an issue come up with my subsurface scattering shader because I used physical sun and sky for the scene. All I had to do was go into the attribute editor of the SSS shader and uncheck 'screen composite' under the 'Algorithm' control to get a more natural look for the skin.

***EDIT(01/25/12): Paint Effects grass test render

This is a test render of the new paint effects grass that I'm applying to the scene. I still haven't added turbulance to it, so it isn't animating just yet. I had to convert the paint effects to polygons so that they would render in mental ray.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Revised Production Schedule (Spring 2012)


- Rough animatic with temp sound
- Continue texturing process (with Dom)
- Continue lighting process (particularly on 'Hill' scene)
- Continue blocking out camera and character animation


- Complete adding shaders/texturing process
- Finish lighting process
- Finish character and camera animation
- Rough Edit #1


- Begin rendering process
- Continue making tweaks to lighting/sweeten compositions (as necessary)
- Continue cleaning up character animation (as necessary)
- Rough Edit #2


- Continue rendering process
- Continue compositing process
- Recording sessions (as necessary)
- Sound Mix


- Finish rendering
- Final Edits & Comps (wherever necessary)
- Film completed (rendering/music/sound)