Friday, March 30, 2012

Revised Production Schedule (As of March 30, 2012)


- Finish Lighting and Texturing (COMPLETE)
- Rough animatic with current animation
- Continue camera and character animation


- Begin Rendering Process
- Continue making tweaks to lighting (as necessary)/sweeten compositions
- Continue character and camera animation
- Final Edit (in progress) with sound


- Final Edits & Comps (wherever necessary)
- Finish character and camera animation
- Continue/Finish rendering process

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Monday, March 26, 2012

Final Optimized Images - Lobby...Ambient Occlusion Test

Final Lighting without Ambient Occlusion Pass:

Ambient Occlusion Pass:

Final Render with Ambient Occlusion Pass combined:

Final Optimized Images - Hallway...Ambient Occlusion Test

Final Lighting without Ambient Occlusion Pass:

Ambient Occlusion Pass:

Final Render with Ambient Occlusion Pass combined: